Tuesday, 22 November 2022
Thanks to Pluna – we really didn’t have many options for flying out of Montevideo to get to Rio de Janeiro. So, we had to return by boat […]
After several days in large cities, it was time to do something a bit slower paced. Why not head to another small UNESCO town in Uruguay? Travel Colonia […]
Travels Our plane emerged from the layer of smog engulfing Santiago. It ascended, and ascended, and ascended, probably just quickly enough to avoid running into the incredibly high […]
Go directly to Buenos Aires. Do not pass Montevideo. Lose $500 Alex and I couldn’t seem to find the check-in station for Pluna Airlines at the Santiago airport. […]
Last night, wandering around for probably about an hour trying to find a place to eat (Santiago is in dire need of Yelp), Alex and I stumbled across […]
Santiago. It was interesting to arrive into a large bustling metropolis after a quaint colonial city like Valparaiso. It felt like we were in New York. Or Mexico […]
I don’t know what to say about Valparaiso other than that it is probably one of the most picturesque cities I have ever been to. Taxco, Mexico may […]
If I had to pick one question to never hear again in my life, I think it would be “So, are you all packed?” The only time that […]
So I’m back in Ohio for the holidays. In a coffee shop. There is a table to my right, with two older women and an Amish man seated. […]
Tonight I went to see Café Tacuba live at La Zona Rosa. They opened for themselves, playing a total of two and a quarter hours with just a […]