Come Saturday, Anya and I were rather tired and spent most of our time in restaurants and napping. It became a joke between us that we were being like kindergardeners napping all of the time. Really, it is her fault, because she started the trend by napping from the moment I met her! Oh well, it was good to sleep, and Hostel Celica's beds are really comfy. I never had such a fluffy pillow in my life.
We planned on going out and partying it big on Saturday night, but our "short nap" ended up lasting until 11:30pm. So, instead, we just went and got some food, decided we were still tired and went back to sleep until the morning. Its ok, there didn't seem to be that many dance clubs anyways. Apparently Wednesday is the night to go out and party. Of course!
Having slept for something like 12 hours, we were rather rested on Sunday and decided to take a day trip to Bled by bus. Not too far of a ride, and it was well worth it. Pictures are worth zillions of Tolars in this case, so I won't bother to try to explain it in much detail. Basically, it is the most beautiful lake in Europe with a small island in the middle which is the home of a church. We were hoping to be able to ice-skate to the island, but the lake wasn't frozen yet. No boats were going to the church, either, so that was out.
The obligatory Slovenian castle overlooking the city was wonderful, though. They had a vinoteka inside, as well, where some fake monk would sell you wine which you actually bottle, cork, label, and seal with wax yourself. It was fun. We enjoyed the wine later that evening before we attempted to go out again, and failed miserably at the attempt to return to our comfy lofts.
When it is cold out and it gets dark at 4pm, it really does make you tired early in the day. I just hope I'm not getting sick.
Monday, Anya had class, so I figured I'd finally do my 11am walking tour and go to the Modern Art museum. Well, the tours don't run Mondays, as I so inconveniently found out aftert booking it to the town hall where they depart from. And, the museum is closed only on Mondays. I decided to waste time by shopping and people watching. It was good. It was very tempting to nap somewhere… again, but I was bedless since I had checked out Monday morning.
When Anya was done with her first day of class, we met up at the 3 bridges landmark and went to a cafe, then to the hostel for some delicious gourmet dessert, then out to the Movia Wine Bar again. Then, it was time for me to leave Slovenia for Zagrev, Croatia at 9:00pm.
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